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De PsychoseNet Kennisbank

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Jim van Os is een herstelgerichte psychiater, hoogleraar psychiatrische epidemiologie en Voorzitter Divisie Hersenen, UMC Utrecht. Hij werkt op het raakvlak van ‘harde’ breinwetenschap, gezondheidszorgonderzoek, kunst en subjectieve ervaringen van mensen met ‘lived experience’ in de GGZ. Jim is ook familielid van mensen met psychosegevoeligheid.

Can you help my boyfriend who is in a psychosis?


Good morning professor
I m A. and my boyfriend is in a psychose since few months even more maybe he is treated by GGZ friesland but not enough and we have no result .

They want him to go on the clinic who’I was totally against but his state get everyday worste and worste. I’m loosing him more everyday.Ggz start a process with a juge to go on clinic but I pray the god not on one of GGZ clinic (Heereveen or Leeuwarden) I and my parents want him to be in your hands it is for him the last hope (GGz is not for him ) the things is that we need to take action a soon as possible because he is in a very very bad shape more and more everyday.

You are my light at the end of the tunnel please help me to find him a place in your team… I do my best to handle him but I cannot go further he is to far away in his brain now please help us.

Waiting for your answer.
Have a good day
Best regards


Ari sorry I am afraid you will have to work with the local team.

Lex Wunderink is a good psychiatrist working in GGZ Friesland, another good psychiatrist there is Titus van Os.

You can also ask for an admission to the nearest UMC which is Groningen (Prof. Bruggeman).

GGZ Friesland is not perfect, but they are competent enough, really!

Make sure you contact the familievertrouwenspersoon if he is admitted, they can help you keep on an eye on the care he receives.

Also make sure he has good legal representation (which is free, in his case).

Greetz Jim

Beantwoord door: Jim van Os op 27 juli 2018


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